March 8, 2024. Austin, Texas, USA. People line up at the Clivers bar near the Austin Convention CENTER. Everyone seems excited about the long line.

This is the House at South by Southwest (SXSW), the boundary-breaking entertainment and technology festival organized by global media group Paramount Global.

SXSW is a festival that discusses and showcases the various topics that impact human life, including music, film, social media, AI, medical health, and more, and the technology that influences them.

파라마운트 하우스

It is held every year in mid-March and has been expanding in size as the impact of technology on entertainment has grown. In particular, the complexity of the impact of AI, metaverse, and other technologies on the industry has led to a growing number of sessions dedicated to them.

The Creative Industry EXpo on the first floor of the Austin Convention Center is also growing in significance. It features tech companies and organizations focused on entertainment, social media, AI, and more.

Big names are also coming to SXSW. The Black Keys, Kendra Scott, Jane Fonda, Brooks hields, and The Black Keys have all been in town for conference panels. There will also be comedy shows from Conan O'Brien, Judd Apatow, Funky Johnson, Robert Smigel and more.

While there's plenty to see at SXSW, including trade shows and music concerts, the star of the show is the House, which is an on-site installation by companies, countries, and organizations. These are homes or bars around the Austin Convention Center that have been converted to fit the organizers' concepts and are used to showcase content, products, and presentations.

They're open to industry attendees and visitors alike, so alcohol, drinks, and snacks are a must. The bar is usually open after the show ends at 5 p.m. and serves as a social and networking spot for those in the entertainment industry.

Unexpected business is often made over a beer. Many big names drop by the House without an appointment. The House is the biggest force that sets SXSW apart from other shows and makes the scene a festival. Houses weren't just for companies. Cities and schools also set up houses and prepared to attract SXSW attendees as fans.

2024년 3월 8일. 미국 텍사스 오스틴(Texas Austin). 오스틴 컨벤션센터(Austin Convention CENTER) 근처에 있는 클리버스(Clivers) 바에 사람들이 줄을 길게 서 있다. 긴 줄에도 모두 설레이는 모습이다.

글로벌 미디어 그룹 파라마운트 글로벌(Paramount Global)이 경계를 허무는 엔터테인먼트 테크놀로지 축제 사우스바이사우스웨스트(SXSW)에서 개설한 하우스(House)다. SXSW는 음악, 영화, 소셜미디어, AI, 메디컬 헬스 등 인간 생활에 영향을 주는 다양한 주제와 이에 영향을 주는 테크놀로지를 토론하고 전시하는 축제다.

매년 3월 중순 열리는데 엔터테인먼트 분야에서 테크놀로지가 주는 영향이 커짐에 따라 규모도 확대되고 있다. 특히, AI, 메타버스 등의 기술이 산업에 주는 임팩트가 복잡해지면서 이를 다루는 세션(Session)들이 늘어나고 있다. 오스틴컨벤션센터 1층에서 열리는 크리에이티브 인더스트리 엑스포(Creative Industry EXpo)도 의미가 깊어지고 있다. 엔터테인먼트, 소셜미디어, AI 등을 중심으로 한 기술 기업과 단체가 대거 등장한다.-

빅네임들도 SXSW페스티벌을 찾고 있다. 메건 마클 영국왕자비, 블랙키즈(The Black Keys,), 켄드라 스콧( Kendra Scott), 제인 폰다, 브룩쉴즈  등이 컨퍼런스 패널로 현장을 방문했다. 코난 오브라이언, 주드 애파토우(Judd Apatow), 펀키 존슨, 로버트 스미겔 등의 코미디 쇼도 진행된다.