[K-Content]Contentree JoongAng Reports Q2 Revenue of $226.8B...SLL, Megabox Performance Improves
콘텐트리중앙, 2024년 2분기 실적 발표
- 콘텐트리중앙은 2024년 2분기에 매출액 2268억원과 영업손실 65억원을 기록했다고 밝혔다. 이는 전년 동기 대비 매출이 18.8% 감소한 수치로, SLL 별도 및 메가박스의 실적 개선 덕분에 전분기 대비 적자폭이 줄어들었다. SLL의 연결 기준 매출은 1271억원으로 전년 동기 대비 29% 감소했으며, EBITDA는 243억원, 영업손실은 53억원이었다.
- SLL은 'The Summer I Turned Pretty 시즌 3'의 공급 지연으로 인해 매출과 영업이익이 감소했지만, 전분기 대비 매출은 23%, EBITDA는 42% 증가하며 영업손실도 축소되었다고 분석했다. SLL 별도 기준으로는 매출이 전년 동기 대비 59% 증가한 1135억원을 기록했고, EBITDA는 346억원, 영업이익은 65억원이었다. 글로벌 OTT와의 동시 방영 및 지역별 방영권 판매 전략이 실적 개선에 크게 기여했으며, Non-Captive 플랫폼 매출도 대폭 상승했다.
- 메가박스는 이번 분기에 매출액 712억원과 영업이익 1억원을 기록했다. '범죄도시 4'가 큰 인기를 끌었으나 중박 영화의 부재로 전체 박스오피스가 감소하면서 메가박스의 매출에도 영향을 미쳤다. 그러나 플러스엠 엔터테인먼트의 배급 사업부문에서 '범죄도시 4'를 배급하며 실적 개선을 이끌었다.
-플레이타임중앙은 해외 사업 호조와 티켓 가격 상승으로 매출이 증가했으나 신규 지점 오픈 등 원가 상승으로 소폭 적자를 기록했다. 최근 롯데몰 자카르타 법인과 MOU를 체결해 인도네시아 시장 진출을 계획하고 있다.
Contentree JoongAng announced that it posted revenue of KRW 226.8 billion and an operating loss of KRW 6.5 billion in the second quarter of 2024. On a year-on-year basis, revenue fell 18.8% and operating losses continued, but the company narrowed the deficit slightly quarter-on-quarter due to improved performance of SLL and Megabox. (It is a subsidiaries of ContentreeJoongAng)
17d09051-3076-4265-a6f3-dd1ba65bc862.pdf (contentreej.com)
Contentree JoongAng is a magazine publisher, movie theater operator, and soap opera producer. Content Tree JoongAng provides a complete content studio, SLL, and multiplex space experience, as well as investment distribution. Megabox, which combines movie content value, and HLL, a consumer trend-setting company.

SLL's consolidated revenue for the second quarter was KRW 127.1 billion, down 29% year-on-year, with EBITDA of KRW 24.3 billion and an operating loss of KRW 5.3 billion.
"While revenue and operating income declined year-on-year due to the delayed delivery of the upcoming 'The Summer I turned pretty Season 3', SLL's performance in 2024 continues to improve, with revenue up 23%, EBITDA up 42% and operating loss narrowing compared to Q1," the company said.

Separate SLL results continued the trend of revenue expansion and profit improvement, with revenue up 59% year-on-year to KRW 113.5 billion, EBITDA up 34.6 billion, and operating profit up 6.5 billion. The strategy of pre-selling all content through a combination of global OTT simulcasting and regional broadcasting rights sales contributed significantly to the improvement, while the increase in the number of OTT originals produced led to a significant increase in non-captive platform revenue to KRW 41 billion, up from KRW 300 million in the previous year.

SLL increased the proportion of overseas revenue to 64% in the second quarter, thanks to the expansion of global OTT simulcasts. Not only did "The Atypical Family" "Miss Night and Day" and "My Sweet Mobster" rank highly in the OTT viewing rankings, but all eight of SLL's content released on Netflix from January 2024 to the present ranked in the top 10 in the global non-English TV and movie categories.
SLL will continue to showcase diverse content on TV and OTT in the second half of the year. 'Family by Choice', 'Romance in the House', 'Good Boy', and '정숙한 세일(Brief Encounters Korean Version)' on JTBC have already completed global OTT simulcast pre-sale agreements, and 'Mr. Plankton', 'Hell Bound Season 2', and 'Office Black Belt' will be released on Netflix, starting with 'The Frog' on the 23rd. In September, Disney+'s "Seoul Busters" will be released, which is expected to contribute to the second half of the year.
"The Roundup: Punishment(4)," which set a record for the first Korean movie to reach the triple 10 million mark with 11.5 million viewers, will be reflected in the results after the second half settlement. SLL said it expects "further profit improvement in the second half of the year due to its investment stake in the movie and production stake in the label."

Megabox posted KRW71.2 billion in revenue and KRW100 million in operating profit in the second quarter. Although "The Roundup: Punishment(4)" mobilized 11.5 million moviegoers, Megabox's revenue was impacted by a 3.7% year-on-year decline in the overall box office due to the absence of heavy hitters.
However, Megabox's investment and distribution arm Plus M Entertainment, which handled the distribution of "Crime City 4," contributed to the improved performance. Megabox is a multiplex cinema chain in South Korea, and the third largest multiplex theater company in the country,
Megabox outperformed the national box office growth rate through its strategy of expanding its base in the saturated domestic multiplex market and increasing its market share in large retail malls. While the national box office declined about 3.7% year-on-year, Megabox attendance grew 2.9%. According to Megabox, its market share increased by 1.3 percentage points from 18.4% at the end of Q2 2023 to 19.7% at the end of Q2 2024. The market share gains are significant in the saturated domestic theater market.

Playtime JoongAng posted KRW 14.4 billion in revenue and an operating loss of KRW 100 million in the second quarter. Revenue increased by 5.6% year-on-year due to strong overseas business and higher ticket prices, but the company posted a loss due to a slight increase in costs related to opening new branches. Recently, Playtime Central has been offering various affiliate discounts, such as KT membership discounts and Yanolza affiliate discounts, to increase the rate of repeat visits.
In July of this year, Playtime JoongAng signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Lotte Mall Jakarta to develop new business in Indonesia, expanding its business to Indonesia after Vietnam and Mongolia. Starting with the opening of the first store in Lotte Mall Avenue, Jakarta, the company plans to open stores in major areas of Indonesia to solidify its position as an indoor playground provider for children.
PLAYTIME JoongAng was established in 1993. In 1994, it was established as a local kids-cafe, and has since then been focusing on kids' play for over 30 years. PLAYTIME has about 200 branches in Korea and 20 overseas.