AI is very important for news media, too. That's why the latest news technology is all about AI.

Forbes has unveiled a beta version of its Google Cloud-based generative AI search platform to provide readers with personalized search results.  Named Adelaide, the platform allows readers to type in a detailed question or a general topic, and then provides recommended articles with a summary of the question.

Answers are provided at a level that is within the scope of Forbes coverage.  Adelaide is trained on Forbes articles and includes news from the last 12 months.  Vadim Supitskiy, chief digital and information officer at Forbes, said the company introduced AI search to "deepen engagement with both search and stories. Adelaide, by the way, is named after the Forbes founder's wife.

Tech guru Austin Russell, the 28-year-old head of electric vehicle technology company Luminar Technologies, has announced his intention to buy Forbes. Russell, who is currently in the process of negotiating the deal, recently asked for an extension of the Nov. 1 deadline to pay for the purchase.